The Kandji - Firstbase integration automatically sync all your asset’s security information into Firstbase.
This guide will walk you through the steps to set up the integration.
Kandji Initial Setup
In order to use the Kandji API with Firstbase’s MDM support, you need to setup API credentials in the Kandji console. Once this is done, then you can connect your Kandji MDM integration directly in the Firstbase app using this credentials.
Follow the steps below to configure your API credentials and permissions:
- In your Kandji instance, navigate to Setting → Access → API Token → Add Token.
- Click + Add Token in the bottom right to start creating an API Token.
- Enter the display name for the token, we recommend naming this
Firstbase API
and click Create. - You will then be given the API Token value, you need to save a copy of that value for use later.
- Next you need to click Configure to continue to to set the permissions for this API token.
- The next screen will display all the possible permissions, currently Firsbase requires full access for devices, so tick “Device Information” which should tick all the device related permissions.
- Click save in the bottom right corner.
Firstbase Setup
To add the Kandji integration to your Firstbase account, go to Settings → Integrations → Available Integrations
- Click on Kandji
- Enter the API Token value you made a note of during the Kandji setup
- Enter the Kandji API domain, this is the first part of the URL you use to access your JAMF console e.g for
you enter [](<>)
- Click connect
- You should see a notification pop up briefly saying if connection was successful
- Now go to Settings → Integrations → Active Integrations and select Kandji
- Press the Start button next to the Kandji action(s) you wish to enable
When you first add the integration it may take up to 30 minutes before you start seeing any security info for your computers appearing from Kandji. After the initial sync, data will be refreshed daily
As Firstbase adds more features to the integration with Kandji, it may be required that you edit the permissions for the API Token, this can be done by editing the existing token, you do not need to recreate the API Token
See also:
If you encounter any issues during the integration process, contact our support team for assistance.