Yes. We have an option that allows you to create a bulk replacement for your devices with the help of your Customer Success Manager.
Bulk Replacement Process
1. Filter the list of items you want to replace via the "Asset Management" page.
You can use renewal dates, regions, status, etc. to filter down the list.
2. Export the "Asset Upgrade Form" for these items
3. Fill out the column called "Replacement Product Title" with the name of the item you want to send as a replacement
You can find the name of the item you want to use as a replacement using "Your Catalog" page. For example:
The updated form would look like this:
4. Send the form to your CSM.
Your CSM will proceed to create the replacements in bulk on your behalf and notify you when this is done.
Bulk Replacement FAQs
- What type of errors may occur when processing the bulk replacements?
In some cases, we won't be able to generate the bulk replacements due to certain specific circumstances. For example, the asset is already in the process of being returned, or the user is inactive. In those cases, we will notify you when we run the bulk replacement for all assets.
- How can I easily narrow down the list of items I want to replace?
You can use our existing filters to help narrow down by category, renewal dates, brand, etc. After exporting the list, you can narrow down further by removing certain rows you may not want to upgrade.
We are going to be incorporating additional filtering options soon to help out narrow down the list.
- Are there limits to how many items can be replaced in one bulk replacement?
There's no limit in how many items can be replaced. Nonetheless, our warehouse teams can support a limited number of bulk replacements per week. Once we receive your bulk replacement form, we'll schedule your bulk replacement and your CSM will communicate on the expected timelines. We may split your bulk replacement across multiple weeks if needed.
- How long does the process take?
It depends on how many assets you need to upgrade. If you submit the only bulk replacement on a given week, we may be able to process all immediately. However, we need to manage capacity on our warehouse team and will communicate accurate timelines once you provide the bulk replacement form.