Important: Hold policies are set up at the customer's option. If no hold policy is in place, returned devices will automatically enter the processing queue upon arrival at the facility. To set up a hold policy, please refer to the section below on “Establishing the Hold Policy.”
The following reflects the procedures that Firstbase follows to hold returned devices, for a definite period of time, before processing the device in accordance with Firstbase’s standard return procedure* (which includes wiping the media/storage of the device and reinstalling its operating system to factory settings).
Device holds are only available in the US, UK, Canada and EU at this time; in all other countries, returned devices will be added to the returns processing queue immediately after they are received at the warehouse.
*Standard Return Procedure
Returns (Offboarding, One-off Returns) - NO HOLD |
Returns (Offboarding, One-off Returns) - Hold |
** DEVICE HOLDS ** Where there is a hold, upon receipt by Firstbase, the package will be opened to capture the serial number, and then it will be moved to a dedicated “hold rack” in the warehouse where it is stored for a period of 30, 60, or 90 days. At the end of the hold period, the package will be processed in accordance with Firstbase’s standard procedure as set forth below. |
1. Upon receiving the package, Firstbase adds it to the processing queue where it remains Firstbase is ready to process it. Processing includes unpacking, thoroughly sanitizing, and visually inspecting each item for physical imperfections. 2. For any reversible issues identified, Firstbase reconditions (removes stickers, buffs out scratches, etc). 3. For laptops and computers (that are not in a bypassable locked state or considered poor or unusable conditions) Firstbase will then wipe the media/storage of the device and reinstall its operating system to the manufacturer's most recent version or to factory setting type out of box specifications. 4. Items are assigned a final grade according to Firstbase’s Equipment Grading term, this grade determines next steps (subject to the limitations set forth in the Firstbase capabilities terms): (1) For all items (laptops, computers and monitors) that are assigned a grade other than “Used - Poor”, or “Unusable”, Firstbase re-sanitizes and repackages each one for redeployment. (2) For laptops and computers only, that are assigned a grade of “Used - Poor”, or “Unusable”, Firstbase separately assess repairability and where possible works with manufacturers to have the device repaired, in or outside of warranty, (detailed below) where this is not possible, Firstbase follows the EOL/ITAD terms. (3) For monitors only, that are assigned a grade of “Unusable”, Firstbase follows the EOL/ITAD terms. |
1. At the end of the 30 day hold period, Firstbase pulls the device from the “hold rack” and adds it to the processing queue where it remains until Firstbase is ready to process it. Processing includes thoroughly sanitizing, and visually inspecting each item for physical imperfections. 2. For any reversible issues identified, Firstbase reconditions (removes stickers, buffs out scratches, etc). 3. For laptops and computers (that are not in a bypassable locked state or considered poor or unusable conditions) Firstbase will then wipe the media/storage of the device and reinstall its operating system to the manufacturer's most recent version or to factory setting type out of box specifications. 4. Items are assigned a final grade according to Firstbase’s Equipment Grading terms, this grade determines next steps (subject to the limitations set forth in the Firstbase capabilities terms): (1) For all items (laptops, computers and monitors) that are assigned a grade other than “Used - Poor”, or “Unusable”, Firstbase re-sanitizes and repackages each one for redeployment. (2) For laptops and computers only, that are assigned a grade of “Used - Poor”, or “Unusable”, Firstbase separately assess repairability and where possible works with manufacturers to have the device repaired, in or outside of warranty, (detailed below) where this is not possible, Firstbase follows the EOL/ITAD terms. (3) For monitors only, that are assigned a grade of “Unusable”, Firstbase follows the EOL/ITAD terms. |
Device Holds Procedure
1. Establishing the hold policy
Firstbase offers 30, 60, and 90 day hold policies to choose from. The hold policy will be configured by your CSM in your account settings, and applies to all returned devices across your organization. Upon receipt by Firstbase, the package will be opened to capture the serial number, and then it will be moved to a dedicated hold rack in the warehouse where it is stored for 30, 60, or 90 days according to the policy.
Hold policies are set up at the customer’s option. If no hold policy exists, returned devices will be added to the returns processing queue immediately after they are received at the warehouse.
At the end of the hold period, the device is processed in accordance with Firstbase’s standard returns procedure.
2. Recalling a device on hold
- Prior to the end of the hold period, submit a support ticket to requesting to recall a device from the hold rack.
- Please include the following in your request:
- Serial number of the device
- Product Name
- Name and address to ship the device.
- The recipient must have a user profile in your organization’s Firstbase account in order to book the shipment. The user profile may be an admin, employee or an office location. If your recipient is a 3rd party without a user profile, please add the profile before contacting customer support, so that we can quickly process the shipment for you.
- The device will be removed from the hold rack and taken to the fulfillment team for order processing. The device will be released from its data hold status in the inventory page, making it available for shipment.
- An order for that device will be generated by Firstbase, on behalf of the recipient, and the requested serial will be shipped within 5 business days from request.
Device Holds Fees
Additional admin fees may apply for recalled devices, covering the warehouse labor cost to pick, pack and ship a specific device serial (non standard fulfillment process). The admin fee is additional to the standard order fee, which will apply for the shipment. Please consult your order form and/or CSM for account specific pricing.