With Google SSO, your IT teams can manage employee accounts through their Google login credentials, and your employees will be able to save time by logging into the Firstbase platform quickly with their existing Google credentials.
We support SSO for Google SSO via SAML.
Setup Instructions
1. In your Admin's Google Workspace, Navigate to 'Apps - Web and Mobile Apps'
2. Add a Custom SAML App
3. Name the app 'Firstbase'. You can add a description and the Firstbase Icon as optional.
4. Once created, provide your Customer Success Manager with the following configuration details:
- Entity ID
- Certificate (you'll need to download and share the certificate file)
5. We'll proceed on our side to create the SAML connection to Firstbase and will send you back the following details:
- Idp ID
- Assertion Consumer Service URL
- Audience URI
- Sign on URL
- Relay State
6. Go back to your Google SAML set up, click continue and edit your 'ACS Url', 'Entity ID, 'Start URL' and 'Name ID format' fields:
- ACS Url - Add the Assertion Consumer Service URL provided by Firstbase
- Entity ID - Add the Audience URI provided by Firstbase
Start URL - This will have the form: https://app.firstbasehq.com/auth?idp=YOURIDP
- In 'YOURIDP' field, use the Idp ID provided by Firstbase:
- Example: if idp ID = ABCDEFGHIJK
- In this case your Start URL will be: https://app.firstbasehq.com/auth?idp=ABCDEFGHIJK
- Check the 'Signed Response' checkbox.
- In 'YOURIDP' field, use the Idp ID provided by Firstbase:
- Name ID Format - select Email
7. Skip setting attribute mappings and finish your configuration
8. You can now go ahead and test your SAML Login.
Note: it generally takes 10-15 mins. for the connection to be active. You may get a 500 error when testing if it's not active yet.
- You'll need to click on 'Test SAML Login', allow access for the user first, and then click 'Test SAML Login' again.
- The user you are testing with must be a registered user in the Firstbase App.