Onboarding - Setup Instructions
Note: In order to setup your onboarding integration, your Account Manager will need to provide you with two fields: (1) A secureKey and (2) A Callback URL. Please let your Account Manager know so that they can provide you these fields prior to setting everything up.
Follow the steps below to set up the onboarding integration between Firstbase and Rippling. This workflow will create users without an automated package assignment. In order to automatically assign users to a specific package, after configuring this option, you'll need to also follow the steps listed here.
1. Configure an Onboarding Workflow in Rippling Workflows Studio
- Access your Rippling Workflows Studio via the "Tools" Menu in Rippling
- Start a new workflow from scratch and name it "Firstbase Onboarding".
- Create a trigger condition that considers new hires 21 days before their start date
- Click on "Add an action" and choose "Trigger a Webhook" option
- Configure your webhook:
- In Callback URL, use the Callback URL provided by your Account Manager.
- Keep the Secret field blank.
- Add the JSON payload. An example payload is shown below.
- In this case, the payload should include a secureKey provided by your Account Manager
- The remaining fields include information on the onboarding user.
- Example Payload:
- You can copy paste the below payload and replace each field in bold with Rippling variables. The secureKey field should be the one provided by your account manager):
- Example Payload:
{"secureKey": "abc123",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"personalEmail": "john.smith@google.com",
"workEmail": "john.smith@firstbase.com",
"startDate": "2024-01-15",
"countryCode": "US",
"region": "CA",
"postalCode": "90022",
"city": "Los Angeles",
"streetAddress": "86 East Edgefield Dr.",
"department": "Engineering",
"phoneNumber": "0600000000" }
- Here's an explanation of the different fields needed:
Data Field Rippling Field Name Mandatory firstName Preferred First Name YES lastName Legal Last Name YES workEmail Employee > Work Email YES personalEmail Employee> Personal Email YES countryCode Home Address > Country YES streetAddress Home Address > Street Address Only if using Automatic Orders; Should be the address for shipping the equipment city
Home Address > City Only if using Automatic Orders; Should be the address for shipping the equipment postalCode
Home Address > Zip Code Only if using Automatic Orders; Should be the address for shipping the equipment region
Home Address > State Only if using Automatic Orders; Should be the address for shipping the equipment department
Employee > Department Only if automating package assignment based on department. See more here. startDate
Employee > Start Date YES; The date format needs to be YYYY-MM-DD
- Click on create Workflow and finish the setup.
2. Create a custom field to capture the employee start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- In order to get the employee start date in the right format (YYYY-MM-DD), you'll need to create a custom field in Rippling. Otherwise, Rippling will send the date as M/D/YYYY and the integration will error out.
- Create a custom field as follows:
- Go to your Rippling instance and click on "Data Manager"
- Select the employment information module:
- Click on the "+" sign at the right of the field to add a new field:
- Click on "Start from Scratch"
- Name your custom variable "Firstbase Start Date":
- Scroll down and select "Calculate the field based on a formula"
- Add "Text" as the Data Type and include the following formula
DATETIME(YEAR(_Employee > Start date_),MONTH(_Employee > Start date_),DAY(_Employee > Start date_),0,00,00,"US/Pacific")
- As you type the formula, for each of the fields, Rippling will suggest variables so you can map them correctly. Once done, your setup should look like this.
- You can preview your variable to make sure it looks correctly:
- Click "Continue" and configure the scope and permissions for this custom field:
- Admins only
- Non-Sensitive employment data
- Save your custom field.
- Go to your Rippling instance and click on "Data Manager"
3. Update your onboarding webhook setup to use this custom field as "start date"
- In your webhook's JSON format from step 1, re-map the Start Date field to instead use this new "Firstbase Start Date" custom field.
- Save your webhook
4. Test your Integration!
- Create a test user in Rippling.
- You should see this user created in Firstbase.
- If you want to automatically assign a package to a user on creation, follow the additional steps here.