⚡️ Expedited shipping automation: Admins now have the ability to automatically expedite an order if a new hire has placed the order within 6 business days of their start date. This can be turned on or off under Shipping Settings in the Settings menu. Note: Expedited shipping will incur an extra cost and will only apply if an item is in stock. For more information, please refer to this help center article.
♻️ Customer-supplied used equipment: Customers now have the ability to ship used like-new equipment to Firstbase for redeployment. Note: If items need reconditioning, cleaning, repackaging, or replenishment of any accessories required for functionality (e.g., chargers, cables, etc.) Firstbase will be able to support, but each item will incur an extra charge. This charge will be equivalent to the off-boarding fee per each item reconditioned. For more information, please refer to this help center article.
🔌 BambooHR Onboarding Integration: Customers who have BambooHR as an HRIS can now automate the onboarding process in Firstbase when a user is created in BambooHR. Reach out to your account manager to turn on this feature. Firstbase now supports both Namely and BambooHR. For more information, please refer to this help center article.
📦 Filter through the People tab: Admins now have the ability to filter results in the People tab so they can quickly find relevant information. Filters include Access, Packages, Status, and Location. Admins can also export their filtered results into a .CSV.